Section 1: Petrol + Chemical Hoses
Fuelling Hoses without Helix "Yellow Band" for Petroleum based Products, Page 103‑104
- Type HD (reel hose)
- Type HD-RV (hose for flexible pipe joints)
- Type XHD (fuel oil reel hose "Economy")
Reverse Side: Pressure Drop for ELAFLEX "HD" Hoses
Update: 02.2022Tank Truck Hoses with Helix "Yellow Band" / How to look after ELAFLEX hoses, Page 105-106
- Type TW (tank truck hose)
- Type LTW (light weight tank truck hose)
- Type XTW (tank truck hose "Economy")
Reverse Side: Hints on how to look after ELAFLEX hoses
Update: 03.2024Stage 1b Vapour Recovery Hose, Type GPS, Page Info 8.06 (Revision 3.2015)
- Type GPS
Flexible, lightweight road tanker hose for Stage 1B blanced vapour recovery.
Update: 03.2015
Lightweight Gravity Discharge Road Tanker Hose Type 'LG',
Page Information 5.16
Aviation Refuelling Hoses 'Yellow Band' to EN 1361 (BS 3158), Page 107-108
Aircraft Refuelling Hoses
- Type HD-C (into-plane/reel hose)
- Type VHD (with three textile braids + thicker wall)
- Type PHD (with polyamide helix)
- Type TW-E (for tank trucks and connection between truck and trailer)
Petrol Pump Hoses acc. EN 1360 / EN 13483 for gasoline and diesel, Page 111a-111c
- Type Slimline (black or coloured),
- Type Slimline "SL LT" Low Temperature (black or coloured)
- Type Slimline "SL BIO" (Biodiesel)
- Type LC-Mix (economy barrel pump hose)
- Slimline 'SF' and Slimline 'SF LT'
- Slimline AdBlue "SL 16 AdBlue"
FLUORLINE Universal Pump Hose acc. EN 1360 LT, Page 113‑114
- Type EFL, ultra flexible universal hose DN 16-21.
Used i.e. for barrel pumps, AdBlue urea solution, and as zero emission petrol pump hose.
Update: 08.2024L.P. Gas Hoses "Orange Band" without Helix to EN 1762, Page 115‑116
- Type LPG for Propane, Butane and other L. P. Gases.
Also suitable for many other gaseous media, i.e. gaseous natural gas.
Update: 02.2022LPG 16 Hose for L.P.Gas Dispensers, Page 116
Highly flexible hose for Autogas, DN 16.
Type LPG 16
Type LPG 16 S
Update: 02.2022Hoses for Chemicals and Solvents "Lilac Band", "Blue Band" acc. to EN 12115, Page 117‑118
- Type CHD (prev. CH) without helix
- Type CHS (prev. CHW) with helix
- Type LMD (prev. LM) without helix
- Type LMS (prev. LMW) with helix.
Chemical resistance details see chemical resistance chart
Reverse Side: Chart do Determine the Hose Diameter
Update: 04.2021Universal Tank Hoses UTD, UTS, UTL ("Blue-White-Blue") to EN 12115, Page 121a-121b
- Type UTD
- Type UTS
- Type UTL
for almost all liquid and pastychemical and petroleum based products and solvens as well as for foodstuffs (FDA approved).
Update: 02.2024Universal Tank Hose POLYPAL CLEAN acc. EN 12115, Page 121 c‑121 d
- Types PCD without helix
- Type PCS with helix
Cover EPDM light grey antistatic for clean factory floors, lining UPE with OHM conductive stripe, for almost all media - no discolouration.
Update: 02.2024Hoses for Industrial Water, Steam and Ammonia, Page 123-124
- Type WPX
- Type SD
- Type AMX
ELAFLON PLUS FEP Universal Hose acc. EN 12115, Page 125‑126
- Types FEP-D
- Type FEP
for all standard chemicals up to 100° C.
Up to DN 50 with light grey cover and conductive spiral stripe; from DN 63 with black cover
Update: 02.2024ELAFLON PTFE Universal Hose acc. EN 12115, Page 127‑128
- Types PTFE-D (without helix)
- Type PTFE (with helix)
For all commonly used media - up to max. 150°C (depending on medium) - OHM hose - FDA conform - easy self-assembly with standard couplings.
Update: 02.2024'FLUORFLEX 2' PTFE/EPDM Universal helical hose, Page Info 2.08E
ELAPHARM hose assemblies, Page Info 3.13E
for Biotech and pharmaceutical industry
Marine Bunkering Hoses "Yellow Band", Page 129‑130
- Type FHD (marine flat hose)
- Type STW (marine tanker hose with helix)
Marine Cargo Hose (Bunkering Hoses) "Yellow Band", with Built-In Nipples acc. EN1765, Page 131‑132
with Built-In Nipples
- Type SBS (heavy standard type with steel helii, acc. EN 1765 category S15)
- Type SBL (light weight, flat hose without helix acc. EN 1765 category L10)
Special Hoses HB, LBD/LBS, KS, Page 135-136
- Type HB "Brown Band"
- Type LBD/LBS "White Band"
- Type KS
Composite Hoses FWS, Page 181‑184
Complete hose assemblies with fittings
- Type FWS PP St/St (Lining of Polypropylene, Inner helix Steel, galvanised)
- Type FWS PP Al/St (Lining of Polypropylene, Inner helix Aluminium)
- Type FWS PP (Lining of Polypropylene, Inner helix Steel, polypropylene covered)
- Type FWS-PTFE (Lining PTFE, Inner helix Stainless steel)
- Type FWS PA (Lining Polyamide, Inner helix Aluminium)
- Type Type FWS VR (Lining Polypropylene, Polypropylene fabrics, Inner helix Steel, galvanised)
POLYPAL PLUS Universal Hose, Page PAL 01-02
with UPE Lining acc. to EN 12115
Update: 11.2020Universal Tank Hose POLYPAL CLEAN, Page PAL 03‑04
- Universal Tank Hose acc. to EN 12115
- Types PCD without helix
- Type PCS with helix
Cover EPDM light grey antistatic for clean factory floors, lining UPE with OHM conductive stripe, for almost all media - no discolouration.
Update: 02.2024ELAFLON PLUS FEP Universal Hose, Page PAL 05-06
with FEP lining acc. to EN 12115
Update: 02.2024ELAFLON PTFE Universal Hose, Page PAL 07‑08
- Universal Hose acc. to EN 12115
- Types PTFE-D (without helix)
- Type PTFE (with helix)
For all commonly used media - up to max. 150°C (depending on medium) - OHM hose - FDA conform - easy self-assembly with standard couplings.
Update: 01.2024CHEMOPAL Chemical Hose, Page PAL 09‑10
acc. to EN 12115
Update: 03.2017TECNOPAL Chemical Hose, Page PAL 11‑12
acc. EN 12115
Update: 03.2017SOLVAPAL Solvent Hose, Page PAL 13‑14
- acc. EN 12115
- OHM conductive;
- with special NBR blue lining
BUTAPAL L.P. Gas Hose, Page PAL 15‑16
acc. EN 1762
Update: 08.2019PYROPAL Steam Hose, Page PAL 17‑18
- acc. DIN 2825 / EN ISO 6134
- Type PYROPAL 164L
- Type PYROPAL 230
European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU for Hose Assemblies, Page 197‑198
Which ELAFLEX hose assemblies fall under the PED?
Update: 08.2018Catalogue Pages by Category
Refuelling Hoses
- Fuelling Hoses without Helix for Petroleum based Products
- Tank Truck Hoses with Helix
- Vapour Recovery Hose GPS
- Lightweight Gravity Discharge Road Tanker Hose Type 'LG'
- Aviation Refuelling Hoses
- Marine Bunkering and Cargo Hoses
- Marine Cargo Hoses
- European Pressure Equipment Directive for Hose Assemblies
Dispenser Hoses
- Petrol Pump Hoses
- FLUORLINE Universal Pump Hose EFL
- LPG 16 Hose for L.P.Gas Dispensers
Speciality Hoses
- L.P. Gas Hoses without Helix
- Hoses for Industrial Water, Steam and Ammonia
- Special Hoses HB, LBD/LBS, KS
Chemical, Pharma and Universal Hoses
- Hoses for Chemicals and Solvents
- Universal Tank Hoses UTD, UTS, UTL
- Universal Tank Hose POLYPAL CLEAN
- ELAFLON PLUS FEP Universal Hose
- ELAFLON PTFE Universal Hose
- 'FLUORFLEX 2' PTFE/EPDM Universal helical hose
- ELAPHARM hose assemblies
- Composite Hoses FWS
PAL - Chemical Hoses
- POLYPAL PLUS Universal Hose_PAL 01
- POLYPAL CLEAN Universal Tank Hose_PAL 03
- ELAFLON PLUS FEP Universal Hose_PAL 05
- ELAFLON PTFE Universal Hose_PAL 07
- CHEMOPAL Chemical Hose_PAL 09
- TECNOPAL Chemical Hose_PAL 11
- SOLVAPAL Solvent Hose_PAL 13
- BUTAPAL L.P. Gas Hose_PAL 15
- PYROPAL Steam Hose_PAL 17

Veiligheid in uw handen.
Met de rubberslangen van Elaflex maakt u de juiste keuze. Wij weten dat ze vaak gebruikt worden voor het transport van gevaarlijke producten en voelen ons dan ook verantwoordelijk voor onze producten. U bekomt bij ons enkel Premium Quality van ContiTech Duitsland, exclusief gefabriceerd voor Elaflex. Bij ons zal u geen producten tegenkomen zonder naam of geschiedenis.
In ons uitgebreid slangenmagazijn vindt u alle gebruikelijke types uit onze cataloog van DN9 tot DN200. Hieronder vallen de slangen voor doorvoer van petroleumproducten, LPG, chemische en pharmaceutische producten.
Op deze manier kunnen wij onze levertermijnen tot een minimum beperken.
Onze expertise: volledig gemonteerde slangassemblages.
Voor een perfecte slangassemblage zijn er drie vereisten : de kwaliteit van de onderdelen, hun compatibiliteit ten opzichte van elkaar en een correcte montage van de koppelingen.
Dit is reeds tientallen jaren onze kernactiviteit. Wij leveren onze klanten de juiste combinatie van slang en slangkoppelingen, niet enkel voor eigen montage, maar ook op maat geassembleerde en gebruiksklare flexibels.
Volgens de specificaties van de klant wordt de slang op de juiste lengte versneden en worden de correcte koppelingen vakkundig gemonteerd. Indien gewenst of verplicht worden de slangen getest (electrische geleidbaarheid en druktest) en geleverd met certificaat. Elaflex is gecertificeerd om slangassemblages te monteren volgens de Europese Richtlijn voor Drukapparatuur (PED). Alvorens de assemblages de fabriek verlaten, worden ze gemarkeerd en aan een laatste kwaliteitscontrole onderworpen.
Toebehoren : om uw slangassemblages te beschermen tegen knikken, uitwendige slijtage, torsie en hitte, bieden wij u een waaier van toebehoren die de levensduur van de slangassemblage verlengen. Een klant-eigen markering behoort eveneens tot de mogelijkheden.
Aarzel niet contact op te nemen met ons verkoopteam of gebruik de slang configurator !